Workers discuss the new labor proposal
They request a wage increase and reducing the working day period.
Leer workers propose
- Increase salary in 50%
- Have transportation for the workers
at Night scheduel. - Get diminish the working day tosix
(6) hours. Daily - Bonus for production time.
- To have more benefits
the Employer propose
- Decrease salary in 50%
- Eliminate production bonus,
and loan for the employees. - Increase the working day to
ten (10) hours, No extra times. - Eliminate the Feeding Bouns payment.
- 03 monhts contracts.
The complaining about this proposal last over a week, they finally got an agreetment for both of the sides and here they are:
1.Accomplish with the schedule established for the labor law.
2.Give the law benefits.
3.Pay the minimun salary established for the goverment according to each profession.
Workers are concern because they lost some of the benefits they used to have before which they were higher established for the law
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